Fiscal Cliff — the most overused term in 2012 politics.
This phrase rose to prominence when Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the United States Federal Reserve, in a speech in February. "Fiscal cliff" is meant to describe what will happen to America's tax policy and spending plan in 2013 if Congress fails to address certain plans that are already in motion.
Is it actually a cliff? No. Will it change our economic lives so drastically that we'll have to flee to the woods and build log cabins? No. Have politicians and pundits used the term with such abandon that it's lost all meaning and now has more to do with scaring tax payers/civilians than writing fiscal policy? You bet!
Selfie — a picture you take of yourself by holding the camera at arm's length, recognizable by the fact that your arm is in the picture.
Epic — hyperbolic synonym for incredible, great, important.
This word is so overused that we've had it on banished word lists three years running. But epic refuses to stay gone. Here's our reasoning: Unless your outfit or car is so tectonically earth-shattering that the poets will be singing its praises for 2,000 years to come, unless it has been to hell and back and is ostensibly banging on the gates of Troy. . . it's not epic.
Humblebrag — using humility to cover up the fact that you're actually bragging. This technique often backfires, making the brag worse, i.e. "People just won't stop texting me, you're lucky you have so much time to yourself."
TLDR — acronym for "Too Long, Didn't Read."
Our advice: If you find yourself moved to type this non-sentence, take a good look in the linguistic mirror and picture yourself on the other end of that email. At the very least try TLSI: Too Long, Skimmed It.
To trend/trending — to become popular.
As we predicted in our unheeded January list of words to banish from 2011, this maddeningly unspecific verbification is still going strong.
To curate – to organize information on a web page or other non-museum entity.
Museums have curators, galleries have curators–are you a curator because you found 10 cute puppy photos and posted them on your wall? Probably not. Did we just curate this banished words list? We'd rather not say.
Bubble — used as a suffix to describe any group or community. . .ever.
The college bubble, the liberal bubble, the conservative bubble, the California bubble, the American bubble…if we get to the "Earth bubble" something is going to pop.
Hashtag — a Twitter symbol that has grown into an orthographic monster.
What began as a "pound sigh" or "number sign" and became a method for Twitter users to search tweets with common topics has morphed into the new URL. (Wondering what "URL" stands for? Watch the computer terms slideshow.) Obviously we're over it, but we're not everyone. See our thorough discussion of the hashtag–and its real name–here.
To reach across the aisle -- an attempt at bipartisan politics in the United States Congress.
What separates Democrats from Republicans? Is it fiscal policy? Social issues? No, it's the aisle! Our legislators need only to reach across that small span of carpet to govern cooperatively, but once that gap is breached, what do they do? Perhaps they lightly drop an olive branch on the opposing party's desk, or yank them back to their side by the lapel. We don't know–the term only goes to the aisle.
Hipster — the flannel-wearing, liberal arts-educated, indie music-listening, director name-dropping, craft beer-drinking, 20-or-30-something dude or dudette that you've definitely seen and possibly are.
According to the Google Ngram Viewer, use of the word "hipster" spiked in 1961, dropped by over half in the mid 80s, and clawed its way back to prominence in the new millennium.
YOLO – really annoying acronym for "You Only Live Once."
Thanks Drake. Thanks a lot. The fun catch phrase born in the rapper's single "The Motto" has spread like a forest fire through the vocabularies of what feels like every English speaker under 25, and now the term is just an excuse for teenagers to act like idiots. "Should I run into oncoming traffic? YOLO!" Its verb form "YOLOing" is just as cringe-worthy: "Great night of YOLOing, good thing I woke up in time for dinner." Sure, go ahead and YOLO. As far as science can tell us, you do only live once. But before you eat that live tarantula, take a minute and think about how long you want to be YOLOing for.
Here ends our 2012 list of words to banish. Please understand: this list is not a promise; it's a request. We are not in the business of removing words from the dictionary, so it behooves us to turn to you, gentle reader, and ask you to remove them from your speech.
What are the words that you want to leave behind in 2012?