Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

one o three point four fm

Hujan lebat luar biasa kemarin pagi. Bukan refleksi dari tangisan. Itu murni rahmat dari Tuhan. Allah ingin menyejukkan tanah, mungkin agar saya tidak gugup saat seminar. Dan memang segera setelah suratsurat dan beragam administrasi beres saya urus kemarin, saya sama sekali gak berdebar loh. Gak tau kenapa. Yang berdebar malah temanteman saya.

Well, bukan hal yang terlalu penting untuk dibahas siapa yang mendebarkan seminar saya kemarin pagi. Yang pasti, saya harus banyak bersyukur, lebih banyak dari hujan yang turun kemarin pagi. Seminarnya lancar, dengan begitu banyak suggestion yang diberikan oleh dosen saya.

Yang paling terngiang di telinga saya adalah: you should pronounce it 'one o three point four fm' not 'one o three four fm'. You are a language student so you are supposed to tell it to your company.

SEE!! Penyebutan frekuensi radio tanpa point yang sudah berlaku baku di radio tempat saya bekerja, menjadi pembuka suggestion dari dosen pembahas. Ohmygoodness.

Saya jadi merasa bersalah karna membiarkan sesuatu yang sebetulnya salah dari sisi bahasa, justru di depan mata saya sendiri. Tapi ya mau gimana lagi. Masa sih ini petunjuk berikutnya dari pilihan "Yes or No" itu?

Duh, semoga saya tidak mendramatisir.

Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Yes, I am tired

There will always be a moment when people need a rest. I thought, maybe, I have said what I did and do want to ask and know, in ways I can do. And here it is the moment I come. The time of a willingness to have a warm rest. I am tired.

Please put away your thinking of me falling down or giving up.

I will not.

I am just tired, very tired.

A shoulder to rest. That's what I really need now. Will you please give me your shoulder for me to rest without me request you first?

Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

Menangis dengan nyaman

Well.. just now I just published a post about the recent disaster happen in Padang, Sumatera Barat in my primary shelter. Full of crying watching the parents seek their son, daughter, children. People who were and are trying to find their relatives under the destroyed-building. Deeply condolences of mine are dedicated for those view so I just have no power more to watch any program in TV about the disaster. Full of crying.

As well as me, full of crying. Why is it this hard to stop this habit? Really, it's really hurt to find that I am still weak for this case. Me: a sobbed sister T_T. Me crying for looking the disaster, and me crying for looking me weak. Anyway I am blessed to have this room, so I can cry comfortably.

And one other thing: I really love to cry, sometimes. Whatever the first reason of me when crying, it always ends to a good point to improve the hormone inside my mind. At least, that's what I think happen to me every single time I finish crying.

Tears must have advantages.

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