
Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012
Kamis, 22 Maret 2012
Rabu, 21 Maret 2012
Voyage with Perahu Wisata
Voyage |
Sungai Kapuas punye cerite
Bile kite minom aeknye
Biarpun pergi jaoh kemane
Sunggoh susah nak melupakannye...
Itulah penggalan lirik lagu Sungai Kapuas. Orang Pontianak mesti pada hafal lagu itu. Lagu tentang Sungai Kapuas. Sungai sepanjang 1.143 km yang membentang seperti ular kalau dilihat dari udara.
Sudah pernah minum air Sungai Kapuas? Saya sudah. Tak sengaja minum tepatnya. Waktu kecil ketika masih suka berenang-renang di sungai yang terletak persis di depan rumah kakek saya (allahuyarham), pas lagi menyelam, glek, keminum deh. Sekarang, mau minum air Sungai Kapuas agak-agak ngeri ya. Sungainya sudah tercemar akibat aktivitas penambangan dan pembuangan sampah di situ.
Walaupun begitu, Sungai Kapuas tetaplah sungai terpanjang di Indonesia. Kalau sekarang tak layak lagi diminum airnya, dilewati sungainya masih aman kok. Mau mencoba melewati Sungai Kapuas? Yuk mampir ke Pontianak, sempatkan berlayar di Sungai Kapuas dengan Perahu Wisata Serasan.
KEy Members on Perahu Wisata |
Pengalaman ini, lagilagi, saya alami bersama KEy members. Dan lagilagi saya memakai setelan baju biru yang sama dengan ketika saya berkunjung ke Aloe Vera Center. Memang setelan favorit saya sih hihihi.
Untuk menaiki Perahu Wisata ini, kita tinggal datang ke Cafe Serasan yang terletak di pinggir Sungai Kapuas, Jl. Swadaya, Pontianak Timur. So far, Cafe Serasan adalah satu-satunya cafe yang memiliki perahu wisata. Untuk menikmati perjalanan dengan perahu wisata ini, kita cukup membar Rp.10 ribu. Kalau mau menikmati perjalanan tanpa menunggu perahunya penuh oleh penumpang lain, kita cukup membayar Rp.80ribu. Tapi itu harga 2 tahun lalu yah, tepatnya Ahad, 4 Juli 2010 ketika saya dan KEy members did the voyage.
Depan perahu |
Perahu Wisata ini adalah perahu 2 lantai yang terbuat dari kayu, dengan 4 meja bundar dan 4 kursi di lantai 1. Ada sound systemnya looh. Bisa dipake untuk karokean. Cihuy. Di lantai 2 ada 2 kursi kecil yang cukup untuk 3 orang. Lumayan asik untuk menikmati tiupan angin di sela-sela pelayaran. Tapi sayang ketika kami berlayar, cuaca kurang mendukung untuk kami nongkrong di lantai 2.
Di dek depan ada kursi panjang yang cukup untuk diduduki sekitar 6 orang. Dari depan kita bisa melihat dengan leluas pemandangan di sekitar Sungai Kapuas: ada pabrik yang mengepul-ngepul asapnya, Tugu Khatulistiwa yang kelihatan keciiil, kapal dan perahu yang berseliweran, dan jembatan kapuas tentunya. Akan lebih indah kalau teman-teman melakukan perjalanan dengan perahu wisata di sore hari. Pemandangan sunset dilengkapi dengan menu makanan khas Pontianak yang bisa dipesan di Cafe Serasan, wuiih mantap ajiib.
Pabrik di wilayah Siantan |
We Love Indonesia |
Jembatan Kapuas di belakang, kelihatan? |
Jangan membayangkan Perahu Wisata ini seperti perahu motor yang ribut. Tidak sama sekali, karena perahu berukuran 10x3 meter ini menggunakan mesin mobil Phanter untuk meredam kebisingan.
Rupanya, bukan hanya saya dan KEy members looh yang pernah merasakan perjalanan dengan Perahu Wisata ini. Menurut pengelola Cafe Serasan, Fajriudin Anshori, ada beberapa tokoh penting dan selebritis yang pernah mencoba. Sebut saja WS Rendra, Gilang Ramadhan, Delon Idol, Bapak Usman Ja'far, dan Yusril Ihza Mahendra.
Nah, kalau teman-teman datang ke Pontianak, boleh dicoba untuk mampir sejenak mencoba Perahu Wisata Serasan. Selain unik, suasananya yang nyaman sangat cocok untuk nikmati Sungai Kapuas lengkap dengan sensasi sunset.

Senin, 19 Maret 2012
Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012
Selasa, 13 Maret 2012
Minggu, 11 Maret 2012
Golongan Darah AB
Kapan teman-teman pertama kalinya mengetahui golongan darah yang mengalir dalam tubuh masing-masing? Saya pertama kali tau ketika akan mendonorkan darah untuk Ibunya teman saya. Waktu itu pukul 9 malam, saya ditelpon sama Elisa, dikabari bahwa mama temannya *yang juga teman saya* sedang kritis, perlu beberapa kantong darah bergolongan AB. Meluncurlah malam itu saya ke PMI Kalimantan Barat. Padahal, waktu itu saya belum yakin, benarkah golongan darah saya AB?
Patokan saya hanyalah dari fakta bahwa Bapak saya bergolongan darah A, dan Ibu saya B. Kata mereka sih golongan darah saya AB. Saya percaya aja karena mikirnya darah orangtua saya nyampur jadi satu gitu kan. Kayak orang ga belajar biologi ajaa dah ah wakakak. Padahal waktu di MAN 2, saya adalah salah satu siswa IPA loooh hihihi.
Berbekal keyakinan bahwasanya saya adalah anak kandung mereka *waktu SMP saya sering mikir kalo saya ini sebetulnya anak angkat karena sering betul dimarahi, sungguh abege labil's mind* maka dengan pedenya saya menuju sebuah ruangan di PMI. Sebelum donor, mbak petugas PMI terlebih dahulu ngecek whether or not Hemoglobin saya memenuhi syarat untuk dilakukan pendonoran. Daaan, eng ing eeeng, "Hb-nya rendah mbak, ndak bisa donor." Oh, kecewanya rasa hati tak bisa ikut serta mendonorkan darah yang hanya ada 4% dari seluruh penduduk dunia ini :(
Setelah mbak petugas tersebut ngasi tau kalo Hb saya rendah, langsung terlintas dalam pikiran saya buat sekalian nanya adakah benar golongan darah saya AB. "Mbak, tapi betul kan golongan darah saya AB?", betapa terdengar aneh barangkali pertanyaan itu diajukan oleh seorang yang akan mendonorkan darah. "Iya betul mbak." Cihuy, riang gembiralah saya, ternyata saya memang anak kandung ahahaha.
Tapi ternyata teman-teman, logika tentang Ayah bergolongan darah A dan Ibu dengan golongan darah B kemudian anaknya sudah pasti AB adalah belum tentu tepat 100%. Bahkan kalau golongan darah saya O pun, saya tetap bisa menjadi anak kandung mereka *kemudian skeptis lagi apakah saya anak kandung atau bukan .__.*. Pengetahuan ini saya dapatkan akibat suka membaca Manga Detective Conan. Di volume 62 file 10, Shinichi Kudo mengatakan: "Sesuai dengan teori genetika mendel, orang yang bergolongan darah AB dan orang yang bergolongan darah O, tidak mungkin bisa menghasilkan anak yang bergolongan darah O." Ooooh plisdeh ngapain aja saya waktu pelajaran biologi, ilmu seperti ini malah didapat dari komik.
Naah, berhubung saya sudah sah bergolongan darah AB dan suami saya bergolongan darah O, maka tentulah teori ini berlaku untuk kami berdua. Saya pun iseng gugling untuk mencari tau kirakira kalau suatu hari nanti kami dititipi anak-anak, golongan darah apa saja yang mungkin mereka miliki. Didapatlah tabel seperti di bawah ini:
Hanya ada 2 kemungkinan jika pasangan bergolongan darah O dan AB bersatupadu, yaitu anak dengan golongan darah A, atau bergolongan darah B. Wow! Kenapa bisa begitu? Karena, didalam O ada AB, A dan B kecil. Didalam AB, ada O, B, dan A kecil, jadi tdk 100% murni AB isinya hanya AB saja. Ini kalau dalam hematologinya, dalam perkawinan, tidak ada pencampuran darah yang terjadi, yang ada adalah pencampuran genetika, dimana sperma O carrier (artinya O nya besar, dan lainnya kecil) bersekutu dengan sel telur AB carrier. Dalam pencampuran tadi akan sangat tergantung pada carrier siapa yang lebih kuat, bila sang Ibu AB, maka anak-anaknya akan jadi Carrier AB. Bila janin O dan ibu AB, tidak ada saling meracuni selama Rh keduanya tidak bertolak belakang. Oh, sounds so clever dan ilmiah sekali ya jawaban saya. Padahal copas dari milis dokter umum :p
Dan, one more thing, walopun kedua orangtua saya berpotensi menghasilkan anak dengan semua golongan darah: O, A, B, dan AB, setelah beranjak dewasa dan akhirnya menikah, saya haqqul yaqeeen kalo saya ini anak kandung hehehe.
Baiklaah. Semoga postingan saya kali ini bermanfaat untuk teman-teman.

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012
Kura-kura Beach
Feels like a model :p |
Cape, tapi seneng juga. Saya barusan pulang dari survey lokasi untuk ESA On Tour, kegiatan kampus. Skalian juga, survey ini saya jadikan ajang untuk observasi dan laporan untuk terbit di halaman English Day on Tribune sabtu ini. Begini laporan saya:
Just need to count down couple of days after today, we’re going to have long holiday enough to spend. One more wonderful place is recommended to you for spending your precious holiday. It’s Kura-Kura Beach.
When noticing the name of the beach, you may think that you will find turtle loitering around the beach. Well, actually it should be so. The manager of the beach, Charlie Robertson and Siska Robertson claimed that the beach is named Kura-Kura since turtles stopped over the beach, and then they laid eggs there. Anyway, when we observed the beach on Thursday (27/11), we found no turtles there. So, we suggest you to change your primary purpose if your want to come to the beach just to look for the turtles or merely play with them.
It seems that the beach is less of touch of decoration. But that’s the thing which make the beach doesn’t lose the feel of its natural atmosphere. The beauty of the beach is the most important thing to make it fascinating to visit by local and foreign tourist. People are still able to feel the environment ‘virgin’ of the beach which is located in Tanjung Gundul, Bengkayang Regency. However, if you maybe want to spend days and night at the beach, you still need to bring, at least, your own sleeping bag or your tent because there is no inn or hotel near the beach. No need to worry about the security. Ibu Iin and his husband who live close to the beach and take care for catering for their costumers who usually spend holiday in the beach said that Kura-Kura Beach is secure enough as one of camping destination. “The security is okay here."
Can’t wait to go there? Get your car or motorcycle now! It just takes 3 hours to reach the beach. From Pontianak to Tanjung Gundul, we will travel for about 110 kilometers. If you start your travel from Singkawang, it just takes 15 kilometers to go to the beach. You maybe will have a bit difficulty to find the gate to come in to the beach. The sign for you for not missing the place is the sign “Pantai Alam Indah” in front of the beach. After that, go through your way 3 kilometers more to reach the beach which is located behind the small hill. Have a nice vacation! (dhz)

Experience: Youth Exchange Program
This isn't my experience, anyway. This was my dream, yes. But I am so grateful that my dream *which I wasn't trying to reach at that time :p* can be 'transmitted' to one of my best friend: Elisa Yuzar. How could she get her dream reality? I, as her best friend, had so many chances to interview her. And here it is, the interview which I did and wrote due to my responsibility to English Day on Tribune page. Check this out:
Elisa Yuzar |
Going abroad is always a dream for almost all of FKIP students, especially ESA Members. Elisa is one of them who can make her dream reality. This young lady who is the sixth semester student of English Department Program FKIP Untan is going to go to Canada, and will be placed in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She is delivered there for the Youth Exchange Program which is held by Institution of Youth and Sport or Bapora. A huge willingness to go abroad for studying, as well for refreshing, she said, has been successfully reached by her. “Alhamdulillah. It’s really a gift from Allah SWT for me to have this chance. I am no one without His blessing,” Elisa responds when her friends congratulate her.
There were some tests that she had to pass for the program. The test was conducted for two days. In the first day, she had to fill in the written test, consists of summative and essay test. Then, she was involved in a discussion among the 52 participants who also joined the test. In the first day she was also had a role-play with other participants. The test then continued in the second day for physical test, interview, and the most impressive one is Culture Performance. In this session, she played sampe’, a traditional musical instrument of Dayak. Besides, she also played guitar and sang the ‘Sungai Kapuas’ folk song.
She was surprised when the staff of Bapora called her to say that she passed the entire test for the program, and got the highest score among the others. Absolutely, it’s a proud for her as one of English Department Students of FKIP Untan, especially as ESA Member 2005. Although she said that she never really thought that she will be the first among the 52 participants, but her friends believes she is going to go because she deserves to go.
After finishing the program, she will give her best contribution for FKIP. What will be the contribution? “First, I hope I will be able to give a significant motivation by my experience. Second, because my work placement there will be at school, I also hope we can follow some good approach to be implemented at the classroom. One thing to underline, thing that we will follow is approach, not the system” answered her. One more admirable thing from her is that she will always keep her spirit for proselytizing, for dakwah. We hope the best for you Elisa.
They Say:
“Since she told me that she will join to the program selection, I’m sure that she can beat other participants,” Fika Ayu Rizqia, Elisa's Best Friend.
“She is creative. Her emotion is stable. She deserves to win the program,” Dedi Irwan, TVRI Broadcaster.
“Kak Elisa has a smart aura. She is a responsible person. Otherwise, she is also smart. It is reflected from the way she speaks. She is also mature. Really, she is the one who deserves to be the first in the selection,” Devi Puji Indah Sari, English Department Student
And now, it has been about two years after she finished the exchange program. Elisa now is making her other dream reality: conducting an English School named Excellence English Studio in Pontianak with some of her best fellas. Would love to learn English with her and share the experience more? Come and join Excellence English Studio :)

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012
Making a Change in our Life Style
You decide those by yourselves :D |
When it comes to weight loss, the buzzwords you might be hearing lately are: lifestyle and change...as in, you need to make one to be successful at losing weight. It may seem like losing weight is a simple goal--do some exercise, go on a diet and voila! But, if it were that simple, I'd be out of a job and you'd be too busy working out to read this.
While magazines and infomercials make it seem effortless, losing weight takes hard work and that often means changing different aspects of your life like, how you spend your time, how you schedule your day, and how/what you eat. If the way you live doesn't allow for these changes, how far will you get? What's Your Lifestyle Like?
The reason lifestyle is so important is because how you live determines your choices and these choices decide how healthy you are and whether you're on the road to weight loss. So what is a healthy lifestyle? The typical components include not smoking, eating healthy foods, exercising and keeping the body at a healthy weight. Where do you fall on the healthy lifestyle continuum? First, figure out how much time you spend doing the following: Sitting at a desk, sitting in front of a TV, sitting in front of a computer, eating out at restaurants, eating fast food or junk foods, staying up late/not getting enough sleep. Get used to do those things last year?
Well. Now, how much time do you spend:
Being active in general, let’s say you are taking the stairs, walking instead of driving, gardening, cleaning, doing exercise, preparing your own meals and snacks and eating fruits, veggies and whole grains, reading food labels, having enough sleeping and dealing with stress in a healthy way.
If you spend more time doing the things in the first list than the second, it's time to reevaluate your priorities and decide what you really want for yourself. Living healthy means spending time and energy on your body--moving it around and paying attention to what you put into it. Staying in an unhealthy lifestyle means you can avoid expending energy, time and effort.
The rewards for making these changes are endless, but it's beginning that's so difficult. What does it take to change your lifestyle and how do you know if you're ready? Let yourself to have your very own commitment to change your lifestyle better for this year!
published in English Day on Tribune, January 09

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012
Istilah yang menggunakan 'Kupu-kupu'
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Edogawa Conan, Tantei |
Ada juga istilah yang muncul di kalangan anak-anak kampus, yaitu Mahasiswa Kupukupu alias kuliah-pulang kuliah-pulang. Hehehe. Bisa diartikan secara harfiah, bisa juga lebih mendalam. Kalau saya mengartikan mahasiswa kupu-kupu sebagai mahasiswa yang tak nimbrung di organisasi manapun selama di kampus. Jadi, setelah kuliah, ya pulang, atau keluyuran kemanamana. Sedangkan kalau mahasiswa yang aktivis *etcieeeh aktiviiiis*, selepas kuliah, ikut rapat organisasi, urus proposal ini itu, audiensi kesana kemari, intinya berorganisasi. Yaah, gitu deh. Pilihan masing-masing :)
